Want To Run Your Own Successful Art Business?

Read my journey to find out how I both had successes and failures, before getting to where I am today.Ā 

A bit of my journey...

Honestly, I spent my school years miserable, looking out of the window and dreaming of something better. Probably why Iā€™ve ended up moving half way round the world from the UK to Perth, Australia!

I never felt like I fitted in; I donā€™t know if you can relate?

Always searching for where I felt at home, or a group of people that I could really relate to.

Luckily I managed to find and create those communities, a few times in my life so far. From Tobias School Of Art (where I studied to be a Steiner Art Teacher), to The Brighton Steiner School (where I taught art for 8 years), to The Newhaven Arts Trail (an Artistā€™s Open Studios Trail that I set up and linked into the Brighton Festival), to the Christopher Howard Training company that I did some of my coaching and personal development qualifications throughā€¦

The moment I decided to leave my secure teaching job,Ā by which time I had two beautiful daughters I was bringing up on my ownā€¦was the first big turning point in my life.

I knew I wanted more; more time freedom, more earning possibilities and more painting - and so I took what I thought was a HUGE RISK.

It was time to go from hobby to professional artist almost overnight! The stakes were high; I had two children to feed, house, car and all the usual things.

The risk was worth it. Over the next few years I built my own Art Business, selling original ā€˜Sea, Boat and Harbourā€™ themed semi abstract acrylic on canvas work through galleries, art fairs, solo shows, open house and my art agent.Ā 

But then the daily grind to produce led to creative burnout and I took another leap of faithā€¦

I had discovered IĀ loved inspiring and helping others,Ā so I let the painting rest and focussed on getting qualified as a coach and went on to build my successful coaching practiceĀ The Business Freedom Academy - for which I won first prize for business growth.Ā (Another community I built and loved).

During this time I had also set up and failed in a property investing business and Amazon businessā€¦and I went on to fail againā€¦

After both my daughters had grown up and moved on, I decided to leave the UK, take my coaching business online (with NO prior experience), and join my youngest in Australia!

I had one of the best years of my life! Single, free and seeking adventure I lived and travelled from Melbourne up to Cairns; until I discovered that good internet was CRUCIAL for online business success and during that year my business fell apart, my visa ran out and I went home again.

Not deterred of course I started all over again, from scratch!

After a few months I headed to Thailand as a digital nomad. I learnt online business, surrounded myself with like minded people also having a good time whilst building their business and then needed a visa breakā€¦hello Perth!

So, 8 years on (at time of writing this), Iā€™m about to become an Aussie Citizen, my youngest daughter got married, and my eldest, who still lives in the UK helped me setup my new online business that you see today!Ā 

Iā€™m a proud mum, I have studios near me in the Perth Hills, where Iā€™m painting again; and I have an online community in the Art Business Academy and am just setting up a Business For Artists Meetup group too!

Lifeā€™s journey is full of highs and lows, twists and turns, opportunities and learning - but if you donā€™t ā€˜go for itā€™ youā€™ll never know what you could have achieved!

Want to take a leap of faith and join me?Ā 

Check out my Freebie (below), Art Biz Resources, Courses, Membership, Events and Coaching.

And if you're in Perth, let me know as I'd love to meet you!


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